Pós-Graduação em Biologia de Sistemas

+55 11 3091-7258

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247 pesquisadores da USP estão entre os mais influentes da ciência mundial

O PPG BioS parabeniza os Orientadores Newton Canteras e José Donato Junior pelo reconhecimento de ambos junto à lista de pesquisadores da USP que configuram entre os mais influentes da Ciência mundial. Temos a honra de contar com vocês dentro do quadro de[...]

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Newsletter Nature Briefing – Back to the lab: Mental health

  Hello! Welcome to week two of Back to the lab. This week, we’re all about mental health. All the advice in here is evidence-based, from medical experts and academics. Some of this will be things you’ve heard before, but they[...]

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Newsletter Nature Briefing – Back to the lab: Publishing in the pandemic

  Hello! This is the third Back to the lab e-mail about kicking your career into high gear. We’re halfway through! Today we learn how to write a top-notch paper, how to deal with (almost inevitable) rejections and why retraction can be[...]

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